Tuesday, October 22, 2024



dome-of-rock-and-western-wallWhy Geography?

Modern geography is not simply memorizing the longest rivers or state capitals; geography is a perspective on society that is increasingly important in our globalized world.  Geographic thinking provides critical insights into global issues that are valued by employers and policy-makers.  Many geographers end up working in national and international security, climate and hazard mitigation, energy and resource development, transportation and infrastructure mapping and management, real estate and development, and geospatial technology.

The future of quality of life on Earth’s expanding human population relies on the prudent use of renewable and non-renewable resources while minimizing unwanted changes to global ecosystems.  Well-rounded geography education enables students to acquire the skills required to pose and investigate significant socio-political and environmental questions using a variety of tools such as maps, satellite imagery, and geospatial technology.


The Geographers at Northwest 

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We have an array of teaching and research interests among the faculty.  Dr. Patty Drews and Dr. Eva Wu specialize in geospatial technology and creating geographical database designs and software and code development.  Dr. Ming Hung is an expert in remote sensing and using satellite imagery to better observe different environs.  Dr. Kevin Romig and Mr. Jeff Bradley focus on resources, natural hazards, and sustainability in both urban and rural environments.  Dr. Brett Chloupek and Dr. Ted Goudge research issues related to politics, sports, and culture.  Dr. Mark Corson is a geographer, but his vast military experience affords him the opportunity to engage geospatial intelligence as well as emergency and disaster management.


Programs in Geography

We offer two distinct undergraduate major programs in geography.  Students can take a program of study in Geography leading to either a B.S. or B.A. degree with both of those degrees sharing 16 hours of core requirements in mapping, regional geography, economic geography, and basic geographic information science.  The rest of the coursework is blended with requirements in additional regional geography, electives in systematic geography, and coursework in geospatial technology.26-03

For students desiring a more career-focused comprehensive major, we offer a degree in Geographic Information Science.  Within the B.S. in Geographic Information Science, a student may select a focus of study in the fields of: data and technology, earth technology, civil/public, geographic, or precision agriculture.


Links of Interest

National Geographic Society

Association of American Geographers Careers

The CIA World Factbook


More Information

Consult the Undergraduate Catalog for more specific requirements on any of the above programs or you can contact any of the Geography/GIS faculty via email. You can even contact us here at DH Northwest.

